Adding Modules Matrix


Screen Navigation: Agreements - Edit Agreement


Using this function, you can add and save modules and sub modules agreed to be purchased by the customer. As a prerequisite, Modules must first be created in the Register. Please refer to the Module Register topic for more information.


To make it easier for you to complete the Modules Matrix, you can also create different system versions in the Register with different modules and sub modules selected, and then use them to populate the Modules Matrix. Please refer to the Version Register topic for more information.



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Add a Module record

To add a module to the agreement:


1. From the Agreement listing, choose the Agreement you would like to edit and click Actions then select Edit.

Alternatively, if you are creating a new agreement, enter the agreement details in the Agreement Header section, then click Save.


2. Click Modules Matrix.


3. Click Add new record to add a module to this agreement.




3. In the Modules Matrix pop up window that appears, select the check box on the left side and click Select. Multiple modules can be selected at one time. The selected modules will be added to the Modules Matrix.


Note: The list of modules displayed in this window is taken from the Module Register.




4.  Select the check boxes under the Office and/or Vessel columns to indicate whether the module is applied to the office and/or the vessel sites.




5. Click Save changes to add the modules and sub modules to the agreement.





Populate the Modules Matrix

To populate the Modules Matrix:


1. In the Modules Matrix section, select the system version from the drop-down menu.


Note: Please refer to the Version Register topic for more information on creating system versions.


2. Click Populate.




3. The Modules Matrix will be populated with the modules and sub modules that were selected for that version in the Register.





Delete a Module Record

To delete a Module from the agreement:


1. In the Modules Matrix section, click the Delete button (X) on the right.




2. Click OK to confirm.


3. Finally, click Save Changes to save the Modules Matrix.





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