Adding Yearly Maintenance Fees


Screen Navigation: Agreements - Edit Agreement


The BASSnet Fleet Management software is vast and ever expanding so, like a car, it requires maintenance regularly. BASS provides application and data quality maintenance to provide better management overview and less downtime to the customers. As is common practice in the industry, BASS requires that maintenance fees be charged on an annual basis and subject to annual adjustments by BASS with notification to customers.



Add Yearly Maintenance Fees

To add yearly maintenance fees to the agreement:


1.  From the Agreement listing, choose the Agreement you would like to edit and click Actions then select Edit.

Alternatively, if you are creating a new agreement, enter the agreement details in the Agreement Header section, then click Save.


2. Click Yearly Maintenance.


3. Click Add Maintenance Fee to create a new yearly fee.




The following table provides you with more information on the available fields:



Valid From

Select the date the fee is to be valid from.

Valid Until Select the date the fee is to be valid to.
Invoice Mode

Select whether the invoice should be issued on a monthly basis, quarterly basis, annually basis, etc, for this fee.


4. After entering the necessary details, click Save.


5. The module and payment term tables will be displayed below. Click Add new record to add and configure the pricing for each module per office/vessel user.


Alternatively, you can also click Add Default Payment Terms to add all the payment terms that have been created in the register for maintenance fees.

Note: Payment Terms are created in the Register. Please refer to the Payment Term Register topic.




6. As you make changes, a red arrow will appear at the top left of the field indicating that there are changes that have not been saved. Click Save changes above each table to confirm.




7. Finally, click Save to add the yearly maintenance fee to the agreement.




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