Payment Terms Register

This function allows you to set up the terms in which the customer will provide payment, specifically the timing, for various service types. The terms defined in this register will be selected in agreements based on the service type. If you have the appropriate access rights, you will also be able to modify and delete records in this register.

Screen Navigation: Administration - Registers - Payment Terms


Creating New Payment Terms

To create new payment terms:


1. From the CRM main menu, open the Administration tab and select Registers.


2. The Registers screen will be displayed. Click Payment Terms and the payment terms that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen.


3. To create a new payment term, click Add new record.




The Create New Payment Terms Detail page will be displayed.



The following table provides you with more information on the available fields:



Payment Terms Code

Enter a code to represent this payment term. This code must be between 1-10 characters.

Payment Terms Description

Enter a description for the payment term.

Payment Terms Group

Enter the group in which this payment term applies. For example: Office, Vessel, etc.

This will be displayed in the drop-down menu when selecting payment terms to enable you to differentiate between office/vessel terms.

Service Type

Select the type of service. For example, travel, training, maintenance, etc.

This will determine in which section of an agreement this payment term will be selectable.

Auto Billing

if this check box is selected, the System will auto-generate an invoice request when this payment term is selected in an agreement.
Note: Auto-billing is only applicable for Maintenance and Subscription service types.

Bill Live Vessel Only?

If this check box is selected, the System will only apply the payment term to vessels that are still using the software license. In other words, only vessels with no End Date will be billed.

Sort Order

Select the order in which the terms will be displayed in a drop-down menu, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ...
If the sort order is 1, the payment term will appear at the top of the drop-down menu.

Payment Term Type

The type of payment term determines how the payment term is displayed and calculated in the payment plan.
  • if the payment term is classified as a Rate (i.e. services, travel), the Remaining Amount to be Invoiced column in the payment plan will not display an amount so that you can select the item multiple times in an Invoice Request.
  • if the payment term is applied to the Office, the item will appear once in the payment plan.
  • if the payment term is applicable to Pilot or Remaining Vessels, the number of items in the payment plan will be displayed based on the number of vessels, and include the Vessel Name column.


Note: Only ONE payment term type should be selected. If more than one type is selected, an error will appear when the payment term is selected in an agreement.



Select this check box if the payment term is still active.

After you have entered all the necessary information, click Save.



Editing Payment Terms

To edit payment terms:


1. From the CRM main menu, open the Administration tab and select Registers.


2. The Registers screen will be displayed. Click Payment Status and the payment terms that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen.


3. To edit  an existing payment term, click the link under the Payment Term Description column.



4. The
Edit Payment Term Detail page will be displayed. You may then edit the details of the payment term in the available fields.

5. Click
Save to save the changes you have made.


Deleting Payment Terms

To delete payment terms:


1. From the CRM main menu, open the Administration tab and select Registers.


2. The Registers screen will be displayed. Click Payment Status and the payment terms that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen.


3. To delete payment terms, click the Delete button (X).



4. Click
OK to confirm the deletion of the payment terms.