Adding Site Licenses


Screen Navigation: Agreements - Edit Agreement


Using this function, you can assign vessel sites in an agreement. However, when an agreement is drafted, you may not know the names of each vessel site that the licenses will be applicable. Leave the Site column empty or enter a generic site name (i.e. V1, V2). The name of assigned sites can be added later using the License Control feature in the Customers module.


It is important to add the correct number of vessel sites. For example, if the customer is implementing BASSnet in 10 vessels, the table should include 10 rows. The numerical sequence of the vessels is not relevant, the number only serves as a way to keep count of the number of vessels. However, to avoid confusion, we recommend adding vessels in an ascending order, i.e. 1 - 10.



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Add Site Licenses

To add site licenses to the agreement:


1.  From the Agreement listing, choose the Agreement you would like to edit and click Actions then select Edit.

Alternatively, if you are creating a new agreement, enter the agreement details in the Agreement Header section, then click Save.


2. Click Site Licenses.



3. Click Add new record to add a single vessel site. Alternatively, click Populate to add the number of contracted vessels as set in the Software License section of the agreement.


4. Enter a License Sequence Number and select the relevant vessels. Enter any remarks if necessary.


As you make changes, a red arrow will appear at the top left of the field indicating that there are changes that have not been saved.




6. Click Save changes to confirm.





Assign Site License per Module

To assign the site license for each module:


1.  From the Agreement listing, choose the Agreement you would like to edit and click Actions then select Edit.

Alternatively, if you are creating a new agreement, enter the agreement details in the Agreement Header section, then click Save.


2. Click Site Licenses, then click the License per Module tab.




3. Click Populate. The System will automatically add the modules you have listed in the Software License section of the agreement. The number of rows added will depend on the number of vessels per module.


4. Click the Site column and select the relevant vessel sites to assign to each module.


5. As you make changes, a red arrow will appear at the top left of the field indicating that there are changes that have not been saved. Click Save changes to confirm.





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