Creating a New Address


Screen Navigation: Customers - Addresses


Using this function, you can create a new Address record for a customer. Multiple addresses can be created and stored for a single customer to represent offices at different locations.

The address entered during the creation of the customer record will be the main address that is displayed on the Customer Info tab. Additional addresses will be listed in the Addresses tab.

Address records are also used when selecting a Billing Address for an invoice.



Add a New Address

To add an address to the Customer record:


1. Go to the Customers tab and click Add New under Address.




Alternatively, you can also add a new address by clicking Add New on the Addresses page.



2. The Add a new Address screen is displayed. Here, you may insert additional addresses for the customer..




As multiple addresses can be created for a customer, the Description field is mandatory to help differentiate the various addresses or locations where the company operates.


3. After you have entered all the necessary information, click Save. The System will display the Created By and Last Revised By dates.


The new address will be displayed in the Addresses tab in the Customer's Details page.


4. Click Details to open the customer's Details page, or click Back to list to return to the main page of the Customers module.




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