Editing a Customer's Details


Screen Navigation: Customers - Details


From the customer listing and Details page, you can edit and modify the information related to that customer. However, only the basic information and address can be edited in this module.

To edit agreements, payment plans, invoice requests or invoices tied to the customer, open the relevant tab in the customer's Details page and click Action, then select Edit.


You can also deactivate a customer to hide it from the Customers listing page, unless the Include Deactivated check box is selected in the Advanced Search function.


Note: Deactivating a customer does not remove the customer from the System, or any agreements, invoice requests or invoices tied to the customer. To do that, please refer to Deleting a Customer. However, we do NOT recommend deleting a customer as it will remove ALL records tied to the customer that could prove useful for tracking and audit purposes.



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Edit the Main Details of a Customer

To edit the main details of a customer:


1. From the Customer listing, choose the Customer you would like to edit and click Actions then select Edit.




Alternatively, you can also click Edit on the customer's Details page.




2. The Edit Customer page will be displayed. Here, you may edit the customer's details.




3. After you have finished making changes, click Save. The Last Revised By information will be updated accordingly.





Deactivate a Customer

To deactivate a customer:


1. On the customer's Details page, click Deactivate customer.




2. Click OK to confirm.


3. The Deactivate customer window will appear. Click on the Calendar icon to select a Termination Date.


Note: The Termination Date must not be a future date.




4. Click Deactivate.

Note: This action is irreversible (i.e. the customer cannot be reactivated).


On the customer's Details page, the Termination Date and Deactivated label will be displayed.







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