Viewing a Customer's Details


Screen Navigation: Customers - Details


In the customer's Details page, all the information relating to the customer is at your fingertips. Every agreement, payment plan, invoice request and invoice made with the customer are displayed in separate tabs, which enables you to find what you are looking for without even leaving the page or opening a new one.



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View a Customer's Details

To view a customer's details:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.




2. The customer's Details screen will be displayed.

The Created By and Last Revised By dates are displayed along with the user who created/revised the customer record.




The Agreement Overview tab is displayed by default. It displays a summary of the amounts agreed upon in the agreement.





View the Customer Info Tab

To view the Customer Info tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Customer Info tab.




This tab provides the basic information relating to the customer.





View the Modules Matrix Tab

To view the Modules Matrix tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Modules Matrix tab.




This tab displays the modules and sub modules included in the customer's purchase.

Click the link under the Agreement No. column to open the particular agreement.





View the Site Licenses Tab

To view the Site Licenses tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Site Licenses tab.




This tab displays the assignment of the vessel site licenses purchased.

Click the link under the Agreement No. column to open the particular agreement.





View the Agreement Overview Tab

To view the Agreement Overview tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Agreement Overview tab.




This tab displays an overview of the amounts agreed upon in the agreement.





View the Payment Plan Overview Tab

To view the Payment Plan Overview tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Payment Plan Overview tab.




This tab displays an overview of the payment terms and invoice amount per license as in the agreement.

Click the arrow on the left to view the individual items in the service, and click View Request to open a summary of the invoice request.




View the Invoice Request Overview Tab

To view the Invoice Request Overview tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Invoice Request Overview tab.




This tab displays an overview of invoice requests submitted in relation to the customer.

Click the link under the Requested By column to open the particular invoice request.





View the Vessels Tab

To view the Vessels tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Vessels tab.




This tab displays a list of vessels operated by the customer.

Click the link under the Vessel Name column to view more information about the vessel. Alternatively, click Actions and select View or Edit to view/edit the vessel, respectively.



View the Addresses Tab

To view the Addresses tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Addresses tab.




This tab displays a list of the customer's addresses. Multiple addresses can be added for different office locations.

Click the link under the Description column to view more information about the address. Alternatively, click Actions and select View or Edit to view/edit the address, respectively.




View the Contacts Tab

To view the Contacts tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Contacts tab.




This tab displays a list of contacts affiliated with the customer.

Click the link under the Name column to view more information about the contact. Alternatively, click Actions and select View or Edit to view/edit the contact, respectively.




View the Agreements Tab

To view the Agreements tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, open the Agreements tab.




This tab displays a list of agreements tied to the customer.

Click the link under the Agreement No. column to open the particular agreement. Alternatively, click Actions and select View or Edit to view/edit the agreement, respectively.




View the Payment Plans Tab

To view the Payment Plans tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, click the arrow to the right of the tabs to scroll right.


3. Open the Payment Plans tab.




This tab displays a list of payment plans generated by the customer.

Click the link under the Agreement No. column to open the agreement from which the payment plan was generated. Alternatively, click Actions and select View or Edit to view/edit the agreement, respectively.




View the Invoice Requests Tab

To view the Invoice Requests tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, click the arrow to the right of the tabs to scroll right.


3. Open the Invoice Requests tab.




This tab displays the details of the invoice requests submitted by the customer.

Click Actions and select View or Edit to view/edit the invoice request, respectively




View the Invoices Tab

To view the Invoices tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, click the arrow to the right of the tabs to scroll right.


3. Open the Invoices tab.




This tab displays a list of invoices created by the customer.

Click the link under the Invoice No. column to open the particular invoice. Alternatively, click Actions and select View, Edit or Preview to view/edit/preview the invoice, respectively.




View the Documents Tab

To view the Documents tab:


1. On the Customer listing page, click on the customer Code to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.


2. On the customer's Details screen, click the arrow to the right of the tabs to scroll right.


3. Open the Documents tab.




This tab displays a list of documents or attachments related to this customer.

Click the link under the File Name column to open the particular document, and click the link under the Record column to open the record in which the document was uploaded.




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