Using Icons and Menus

The topic provides you with help on the various icons, button and menus in the System.


Standard Buttons and Icons

In the following table are some of the standard buttons and icons that are used in the HR Manager System:



Click this icon to create a new record.

Click this icon to save your record.

Click this icon to cancel any changes or entries you have made.

Click this icon to delete a record.

Click this icon to attach a file to the record.

Click this to print a copy of the record.

These links appear when there are multiple pages of records. Click on the arrow buttons to move to the previous or next page.


Click this icon to add a new row of information to a table.


Highlight a row in a table and click this icon to delete it from the table.


Lookup Function

The Lookup function is available throughout the application. When clicked, it will display a lookup window based on the field from which this button was clicked. Example, clicking the Lookup function from the Rank Code field will display the Rank Lookup window.

Note: The auto-complete feature is available in the HRM System. When you key in information in the Lookup fields, the fields will auto-display possible matches as long as you have entered a minimum of 3 characters. This is available for most of the Lookup fields in the System.




The menus are module-based and you can easily navigate to any screen of any particular module.



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