Getting Started

Before you proceed with the main modules that are provided in BASSnet™, it is best that you understand the basics of using this System. In order to log into BASSnet™, you will require a user ID and a temporary password. These can be obtained from the System Administrator or Super User.

You may change your temporary password after logging in to avoid unauthorized access to the System. Doing so, you will be able to prevent data loss and protect the contents of the System.

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Logging Into the System

To log in to the system:

1. Launch HR Manager.

2. The login screen will be displayed.


3. Enter your User ID and Password. Both attributes are case-sensitive therefore you need to ensure that you have entered them correctly.

4. Click Login.

5. The BASSnet™ HR Manager screen will be displayed.

6. You have now successfully logged into the System and can proceed to work with the modules you have access to.



Logging Out of the System

Once you have logged onto BASSnet™, it is not advisable to leave your System unattended. It is best to log off from the System before leaving your workspace. This is to ensure that all the available data and information are kept confidential from unauthorized parties.

To log out of the system:

1. Click the Logout button, located next to the Help button, on the top right of the screen.


2. You will be prompted to confirm your intention to log out. Click OK.

3. You will now be successfully logged out of the System.



Changing Your Password from within the User's Details Screen

You can choose to change the temporary password given to you to a preferred password or alternatively, to keep it as it is. However to protect your access rights from unauthorized users, you are advised to change your password regularly.

To change your password from within the User's Details screen::

1. Under the Home module, click Users.


2. Search for your User ID using the filters available and click on the User ID.

3. Your User's Details screen will be displayed. Click the Password tab.


4. In the New Password field, type in the new password that you want to use to log into the System.

5. In the Confirm Password field, re-type your new password for confirmation.

6. Click Save.

7. Your password will be changed and you will need to use your new password the next time you log into the System.

Note: A back-end system configuration is available where, if enabled, will require any new passwords to be at least 8 characters long with a mix of alpha-numeric characters. An optional uppercase and lowercase requirement can also be enabled for a stronger password. If you would like to explore the option of including this feature, please contact BASS Support.


Changing Your Password from the HR Manager Login Screen

To change your password from the HR Manager Login screen:

1. Launch HR Manager.

The login screen will be displayed.


2. Click Manage Password.

The Manage Password screen is displayed.


3. In the User ID field, enter the user name that you currently use to log in to the System.

4. In the Old Password field, enter your current password.

5. In the New Password field, enter the new password you would like to use to log in to the System.

6. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the same password that you specified in the New Password field. Passwords are case-sensitive so please ensure that you enter the password correctly.

7. Click Change.

You may now log in to the System with your new password.

Note: The Reset Password tab is for your System administrator to reset your password should you forget your current password.

Note: A back-end system configuration is available where, if enabled, will require any new passwords to be at least 8 characters long with a mix of alpha-numeric characters. An optional uppercase and lowercase requirement can also be enabled for a stronger password. If you would like to explore the option of including this feature, please contact BASS Support.


Logging into the System using Single Sign-On (SSO)

To log into the HR Manager system with SSO:

1. Launch HR Manager.

The login screen will be displayed.

2. Click Company Login.


3. You will be prompted to enter the Email Address assigned to you by your company (e.g. and the Password.


Both attributes are case-sensitive therefore you need to ensure that you have entered them correctly.

3. Click Sign In.

The BASSnet™ HR Manager main screen will be displayed.

Note: BASSnet will remember the login credentials for a period of time, so remember to log out of your machine when you are done.


Alternatively, if you would like to login using your company's domain name instead, click Sign in as current user.

Enter the domain name assigned to you by your company (e.g. john.doe) and the Password, then click OK.


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