Searching for an Invoice |
Screen Navigation: Invoices - All Invoices
At any point, there may be a large amount of invoices in the system. Searching for a single invoice in the listing page may seem daunting.
Fortunately, CRM incorporates filters at the top of each column to aid with discovery. In addition, you can also use the Advanced Search function to further narrow down the list.
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Search for an Invoice
To search for an invoice:
1. Go to the Invoices tab and click Invoices. The Invoices listing will be displayed.
2. Use the search filters on the Filter row to narrow down the list of invoice. For more ways to filter, see Use Filters.
3. You can also click the Active, Pending for Approval, Approved or Invoiced tabs to only show invoices with those statuses.
4. Click on the invoice number, or click Actions then View, to open the invoice.
Search for an invoice using the Advanced Search function
To search for an invoice using the Advanced Search function:
1. From the Invoice listing, click Search Invoice.
2. This will open a drop-down menu with more specific search criteria. Fill in the information you would like to use in your search.
The following table provides you with more information on the available fields:
3. Click Search. The results of your search will be displayed.
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