Viewing an Invoice


Screen Navigation: Invoices - Details


On the invoice Details page, you can view all the information related to a particular invoice, including the billing information, invoice items and any attached documents.

The System will auto-generate the invoice based on the information provided. A unique feature in the Invoice module is that you can preview a soft copy of the invoice and make any adjustments before sending it to the customer. You can also download a copy for book-keeping purposes.


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View an Invoice

To view an Invoice:


1. On the Invoice listing page, click the Invoice Number to open the Details page.

Alternatively, click Actions and select View to open the Details page.




2. The Invoice screen will be displayed.

The Created By and Last Revised By dates are displayed along with the user who created/revised the invoice request.




3. Open the Invoice Items tab to view the items tied to the invoice.


4. To view any documents attached to the invoice, open the Documents tab.





Preview an Invoice

To preview an Invoice:


1. On the Invoice listing page, click Actions and select Preview to preview the invoice.




Alternatively, you can also click Preview on the Invoice Details screen.




2. The Preview Invoice screen will be displayed.




3. Click Download to save a copy of the invoice, or click Save to Document to save a copy of the invoice AND attach the file to the invoice record under the Documents tab.


Note: You must click Save to Document before sending the invoice email to attach the invoice to the email.


4. To make any adjustments to the invoice, click Edit.




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