Managing Roles


Here you can create, edit and delete roles for the CRM System.


A role is a task or a group of tasks that is generally done by an individual or a group of persons. Ideally, the most common question when defining the roles would be 'What is your role in the organization?'. When creating roles, you can specify the access rights for individual modules in the System.



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Create a New Role

To create a new Role:


1. Go to the Administration tab and click Roles under User & Role.


2. The Roles listing page will be displayed. Click Add New.





2. The Add a new Role screen is displayed. Here, you may insert all the relevant details for the user.




The following table provides you with more information on the available fields:



Name Enter a name for the role.
Active Select this check box to indicate that this role is active.


3. After you have entered all the necessary information, click Save. The System will record the Created By and Last Revised By dates.


4. The Privileges table will become available below for you to grant access rights to each permission. For a more in-depth look, refer to the Privileges and Access Elements topic.




5. After you have selected the relevant access rights, click Save changes.


6. Finally, click Save to complete the creation of this role.






Edit a Role

To edit a Role:


1. Go to the Administration tab and click Roles under User & Role.


2. The Roles listing page will be displayed. Choose the role you would like to edit, and click on the link under the Name column.




3. The role's Details screen is displayed. Click Edit.




4. The Edit Role screen is displayed. Here, you may edit the role's name and grant/revoke access rights as desired.


5. After you have made the changes, click Save.


Note: If you have made any changes in the Privileges table, click Save changes above the table header before clicking Save.





Delete a Role

To edit a role:


1. Go to the Administration tab and click Roles under User & Role.


2. The Roles listing page is displayed. Choose the role you would like to delete, and click on the link under the Name column.




3. The role's Details screen is displayed. Click Delete.




4. Click OK to confirm.





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