About the Register


A Register is an official listing of terms consistently used in CRM. This ensures that the same terms are used when a User updates any fields throughout the system.


The Register items can be found in drop-down menus. For any changes to be made to the CRM Registers, a User will need to be granted with the necessary access rights.



Each code in this register is used to represent a customer's agent.
Agreement Type This register contains a list of codes created to represent various agreement types.
Billing Mode The codes in this register defines how often an invoice should be issued.

Business Type

This register lists the codes to define the type of business that the customer operates.
Company Each code in this register is used to represent a specific BASS company.
Contact Type The codes in this register are used to represent the role of the contact in the customer's company.


This register lists the codes that are used to specify a country or nationality.
Currency Each code in this register signifies the currency that is used in agreements and invoices.
Customer Type This register contains the codes used to represent the type of customer in relation to BASS.


This register lists the codes to represent the different departments in BASS.
Employee This register is a list of BASS employees.
Exchange Currency Each code in this register describes the currency exchange rate for one specific currency against another currency.


Gender codes specify whether the person is male or female.
Group Vessel Type This register allows you to create groups to categorise the various vessel types.
Invoice Status Each code in this register represents a different stage of an invoice's progress in the System.


This register lists the modules of the BASSnet Fleet Management System that customers are able to purchase.
Payment Status Each code in this register represents a different payment status in the System
Payment Terms This register contains the codes denoting the different payment terms that can be selected for use on the Agreements screen. Payment terms is used to calculate the invoice due date linked to supplier.


The codes in this register are used to specify the region in which countries are located.
Request Status Each code in this register represents a different stage of an invoice request's progress in the System.
Revenue Type Each code in this register is used to represent a different revenue type account.


This register lists the different services that can be purchased by the customer and added to an agreement.
Subscription Mode The codes in this register are used to specify how often payment is charged in a subscription.
Title Each code in this register is used to represent a person's title.


Otherwise known as "Value Added Tax". This register contains codes that describe the VAT of various services and transactions.
Version This register contains a list of BASSnet versions with different modules selected.
Vessel Type This register lists the codes to represent the different types of vessels.