Using the Planning Overview

This feature allows you to see an overview of the crew planning that you have carried out for your vessels. You can view the planned crew based on a particular vessel or multiple vessels and select specific Ranks as well to narrow the listing. The planner will be derived based on the date range you specify.

Screen Navigation: Planning - Crew Planning - Planning Overview


View an Overview of Planned Crew for Your Vessels

To view an overview of planned crew:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Planning Overview under the Planning menu.

2. The Planning Overview screen is displayed.


3. Use the search fields to carry out a search for the planned crew you want to view. In the Date and To date fields, enter a date range within which the search should be carried out.

4. Then, in the Vessel field, select the Vessel/s that you want to display in the Planner. You may make your selection from the Vessel Lookup window as well. Alternatively, if you do not make a selection here, then planned crew from all vessels will be displayed.

5. In the Pool and Manning Agent field, you can filter the overview of the crew planning that you have carried out for you vessel by Pool or Manning Agent, respectively.

6. In the Rank field, you can choose to narrow the crew that will appear in the planner based on their Ranks. Only the Ranks selected will be displayed in the planner. Alternatively, if you do not make a selection here, then all Ranks for which activities have been planned within the specified date range will be displayed.

7. Finally, in the Nationality field, you can filter the overview of the crew planning by Nationality.

You can also select the Unfilled Positions Only check box to only display vacant positions. This is to make it easier for you to plan and assign crew for unfilled positions.

Select the Manning Requirements check box to allow the system to check the manning requirements for the selected vessel(s) based on the setup on the Manning Requirements screen. The numbers displayed next to the ranks indicate the number of positions required for that particular rank. Select the Matrix check box to allow the system to check based on the setup on the Manning Requirements screen.

8. Click the Search icon. The planned crew based on your search criteria will be displayed in the Planning Overview.

(Note: The information displayed can be sorted by Vessel. The sorting of these vessels will follow the Sequence Number and then the Vessel Name, as setup on the Vessel Particulars screen of each Vessel.)


Click the Legend icon to help you quickly see the status of the crew planning activities in the Planner.





Request manning agent to submit proposal to fill up the position

Job Posted

Job posted to the recruitment/manning agent

Smart Proposal

The system automatically propose based on the criteria that the user has defined

Manning Agents

Draft Proposal - Draft proposal created by manning agent. Office user can view but will not be able to proceed.


Proposed - Proposal proposed to office. Office user will be able to proceed with the next status by approving.


Note: If Manning Agent act as an office user, they will have the right to review and approve.


Draft Planning - Initial planning has been drafted, but not yet approved


Planning Approved - Planning has been approved by the appropriate approver


Planning Reviewed - Planning has been reviewed by the appropriate user


Pending Crew - Awaiting confirmation from the crew


Planned - Planning is completed and finalised

Conflict Crew

Icon to indicate that there is a conflict crew planned for that period.

This is based on the Conflict Crew selected on the Crew Administration screen (see Using the Crew Administration).


To indicate a missing contract (no wages tied to it)

Crew Change

To indicate that the crew is not defined under planned crew change

Manning Requirements

To indicate issues in the manning requirements (i.e. documents expired, etc)


To indicate issues in the matrix requirements (i.e. crew does not comply with min years of exp, etc)

Travel Request

To indicate missing travel request for sign on


To indicate that two crew members are unlinked

Insufficient Proposal

To indicate that the proposal is insufficient

Unfilled Reliever

To indicate that there is an unfilled reliever


To indicate that this crew is currently onboard

Signed Off

To indicate that the crew has signed off

Due for Sign Off

To indicate that the crew is due for sign off

Overdue Sign On

To indicate that the crew is overdue for sign on

Overdue Sign Off

To indicate that the crew is overdue for sign off

Note: Back-end configurations are available to hide certain statuses if they are not required. For more information on this, please contact BASS Support.


Switch Views:

Using the available drop down list, you can switch between a Daily, Weekly or Monthly View.

a) Daily View


b) Weekly View:


c) Monthly View:



Make Adjustments:

You can make date adjustments as required by dragging the side of the timeline of a particular crew member. Please note that you can only make adjustments based on future dates. Any changes made will be automatically reflected in the crew member's Activity records after you save the change.


You can also drag the entire timeline to a different role or vessel if required.

You can also select two timelines, right click and click Swap to swap the crew members selected for both timelines (see section below).


View Details:

You can mouse-over a crew member's name in the planner to view the details of his schedule for a particular period, for instance, to check if the crew member will be sailing or on a course on that date. Comments made on the Activity Details screen are also displayed in this pop-up.



Search for Reliever or Plan Specific Crew

Please refer to the topic: Search for Reliever or Plan Specific Crew.


Smart Proposal

You can also use the Smart Proposal button to fill in any Unfilled Reliever boxes for any rank in the vessel.

1. On the Planning Overview screen, open the Best Match section on the right.

Note: You can also select the Unfilled Positions Only check box to only display vacant positions. This is to make it easier for you to plan and assign crew for unfilled positions.

2. Select the Date From and To period, the Vessel and the Rank for which the Unfilled Reliever box that you want to fill.

3. Then, click the Smart Proposal icon.

The system will automatically fill in any Unfilled Reliever boxes for that rank in the selected period.

4. Office users can then right click on the boxes that were filled by Smart Proposal and change the status of the activity.



Export the Planner:

Click the Export by Vessel or Export by Rank icon on the Planning Overview screen to export the currently displayed planner (based on your search criteria) by vessel or rank, respectively, to a Microsoft Excel file.

Display crew members on multiple vessels:

If you have selected more than one vessel, then the crew members will be displayed for the multiple vessels. Crew rotating on all the selected vessels will be displayed as well:



When you right click in the planner, these options are available for selection:




Add another row of the same rank.

This is add an additional headcount for the same role.


Manually edit an activity. This will open the Activity Details screen where you can change all details of the activity

Quick Edit

Quickly edit the Start Date and End Date of an activity

This is used as a precise way of changing the date (as dragging/dropping will depend on whether you are viewing by daily, weekly or monthly)


Manually delete an activity

Apply to Best Match

Applies this crew member to the Best Match selection of crew


Select two timelines and click Swap to swap the crew members selected for both timelines

You are not allowed to swap for confirmed/past activities


Select crew and click Rotate to repeat for the next cycle of sailing

Vessel and Rank of the crew members must be the same

Link Reliever

Links a crew member as a Reliever for a planned activity

Unlink Reliever

Unlinks a crew member as a Reliever for a planned activity

Send Email

To send an email to the crew member informing them of the planned activity

Group Sign On/Off

Allows you to perform group sign on and group sign off directly from the Planning Overview screen



Change the status to 'Request'

Job Posted

Change the status to 'Job Posted'

Draft Proposal

Change the status to 'Draft Proposal'


Change the status to 'Proposed'

Draft Planning

Change the status to 'Draft Planning'

Planning Approved

Change the status to 'Planning Approved'

Planning Reviewed

Change the status to 'Planning Reviewed'

Pending Crew

Change the status to 'Pending Crew'


Change the status to 'Planned'


Change the status to 'Reject'


Change Activity Dates and Status:

Edit details of an activity for a crew member by right-clicking on the crew member in the planner and selecting Edit. The change can be carried out as long as the Activity’s status is not set to ‘Confirmed’. The Activity Details pop-up window will be displayed. You can then change the details of the activity as required.


You can also right click on an activity and select Quick Edit. This allows you to change the Start Date and End Date as required.



Select two timelines and click Swap to swap the crew members selected for both timelines

You are not allowed to swap for confirmed/past activities




Select crew and click Rotate to repeat for the next cycle of sailing

Vessel and Rank of the crew members must be the same


Send Email:

Right click on a crew member in the planner and select ‘Send Email’ to send an email to the crew member informing them of the planned activity.


Link and unlink Relievers

To link a reliever to a crew member, select the crew member who will be signing off, hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard and then select his replacement. Right-click and select ‘Link Reliever’ from the menu.


To unlink relievers, select the crew member who is linked to a replacement, hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard and then select his current replacement. Right-click and select ‘Unlink Reliever’ from the menu. The Unlink icon will be displayed to indicate that they have been successfully unlinked.




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