Search for Reliever or Plan Specific Crew

On the Planning Overview screen, you can drag your cursor to define a time period in the planner and then right-click for options to search for a reliever or plan an activity for a specific crew.

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Plan Activity for a Specific Crew

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Planning Overview under the Planning menu.

2. The Planning Overview screen is displayed. On the Planning Overview screen, select a time period in the planner for which you would like to plan an activity.

3. The Best Match pop-up section will automatically be displayed.


4. In the Best Match Crew section, refine the search by filling in the search criteria fields.

The following table provides you with more information on the available fields.



Date From & Date To

Use the calendar function to select the duration the reliever is required to be onboard the vessel.


Note on the Date From field: A back-end database-controlled configuration is available that enables you to specify the number of days prior to the original crew member’s sign off the reliever is required to sign on to accommodate handover purposes. The ‘Date From’ field would then be defaulted to the selected crew member’s last sign off date minus the number of days specified in this configuration. Please note that this feature is a back-end database-controlled configurable feature. If you would like to explore the option of including this feature, please contact BASS Support.


The rank that is to be relieved. This option is greyed out, and will be the same rank as the crew member being relieved.


The vessel onboard which the crew member is to be a reliever.

Preference of Best Crew Selection

Select the check boxes of the criteria that you want to apply to the crew search. You can also drag and drop the criteria to arrange the priority in which the filters will be applied.


Selecting Preferred Crew will display the crew selected in the Preferred Crew List on the Crew Administration screen (see Using the Crew Administration).


5. Click Search. A list of crew members that fit the criteria you entered will be listed. Click on a crew member's name to view their profile.

You can also click the check compliance icon beside the crew's name to open the Check Compliance screen for the selected crew.

6. Select the crew member for the activity and drag their name to the selected time period.


To edit the details of the activity, right click on the activity and select Edit. The Activity Details pop-window will be displayed.

8. Enter the details of the activity for the selected crew member and then click Save.




Activity Information:


Use the drop-down function to select an activity for the crew member.


Note: For Standby Activities: In order to create a standby activity for a crew member, that crew member must already have a future planned activity on that same vessel (this is if this configuration setting has been carried out in your HRM System). The Checklist for the future assignment must also have been completed.


The Checklist feature can be accessed by selecting an Activity record and then clicking the Checklist link. Select the relevant check boxes to indicate an item as being completed:



Vessel Name

Use the Lookup function to select the vessel to which the crew will be assigned. This should be based on the activity that you select.

Vessel Type

The type of the vessel selected in the Vessel Name field will be automatically displayed.

Assigned Rank

Use the Lookup function to select the rank the crew member is assigned for the selected activity.

Notify Crew Date

Use the Lookup function to select the date the crew member is notified of his assignment.

Estimated Next Join Date

Application for 'SAIL' activities. Enables you to select the estimated date the crew member will be joining the subsequent vessel after the current activity has been completed. When you click to auto-create the EVCT, the end date of the EVCT will be taken from this field as this will be the date the crew member joins his next vessel.

Available for Rejoin Date

Use the calendar function to select the date the crew member is available to rejoin the vessel.


Enter any comments pertaining to this activity.


Note: Any comments entered will also be displayed in the pop-up when you mouse over the crew member's activity on the Fleet - Crew Planning - Planning Overview screen.

Allocation Type

This field will only appear if the 'Allocation' check box is selected for this activity in the Activity Register. Use the Lookup to select the allocation type code to indicate the cost allocation for this activity.


Planned Start Date

Use the calendar function to select the date planned for the start of this activity. When the actual sign on takes place, the Start Date field should be updated to reflect the actual date.

Planned End Date

Use the calendar function to select the date planned for the end of this activity. When the actual sign off takes place, the End Date field should be updated to reflect the actual date.

Planned Days

This field will be auto-calculated based on the Planned Start and End Dates entered.

View Vessel Voyage

Click this button to view the Vessel Voyage screen. You can select a vessel and then view the voyage plans created for it.


Start Date

The actual start date of the activity.


Use the drop-down function to select the status of the crew in relation to this activity, for example, whether he is on 'Standby' for the activity, etc. When a crew member signs on to the vessel or signs off, update the status to 'Confirmed'.


Note: If the Global Settings for the vessel has been set to lock the activity upon sign on, then Office Users will not be able to edit this activity once the sign on has taken place UNLESS they have been granted special access rights. However, Vessel Users will still be allowed to edit this activity. Take note that only crew members with a Locked Sign On will appear on the Payroll screens.


If an Office User has been granted special access rights to overwrite the Sign On/Off, he can select an Activity record and click either the 'Overwrite Sign On' or 'Overwrite Sign Off' link. Depending on your selection, either the Sign On Special Edit or Sign Off Special Edit pop-up window will be displayed:




Amend the dates and status as required and then click OK.



Use the Lookup function to select the port at which the activity will begin. This is based on the activity selected.


Use the Lookup function to select the reason as to why the crew member is signing on.


Select the check box to lock the sign-on information to prevent further editing. Only crew members with a locked sign on will be visible in the Payroll module.

End Date

Use the calendar function to select the actual end date of the activity.


Use the drop-down function to select the status of the crew at the end of this activity.


Use the Lookup function to select the port at which the activity will end.


Use the Lookup function to select the reason as to why the crew member is signing off.


Select the check box to lock the sign-off information to prevent further editing.


Enter any comments pertaining to the actual activity.


Wage From and To

Use the calendar functions to select the appropriate dates. This information will be synchronized to the Payroll module. The dates for wage payment will be based on the dates entered in these fields.

Not on Payroll

Select this check box if the crew member is not on the company's payroll.


Reliever Of

The person the crew member is relieving in an activity.


When you mouse over this field, a pop-up will appear displaying details of the person the crew member is relieving. A Profile link is also available in the pop-up, and clicking this link will open the respective crew member’s Profile screen.

Reliever By

The person relieving the crew member in an activity.


Note: When you mouse over this field, a pop-up will appear displaying details of the person the crew member is being relieved by. A Profile link is also available in the pop-up, and clicking this link will open the respective crew member’s Profile screen.


Use Default Ratio

Select this radio button if you would like to use the default ratio that has already been pre-defined by your company in the system for earned vacation time.


Select this radio button if you would like to specify a ratio for the calculation of the earned vacation days. The Days Earned field will be automatically populated based on the ratio entered while the Day(s) field will be automatically populated based on the actual start and end dates of the activity.




Search for and Link Reliever

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Planning Overview under the Planning menu.

2. The Planning Overview screen is displayed. Select the criteria above and click the Search icon.

You can also select the Unfilled Positions Only check box to only display vacant positions. This is to make it easier for you to plan and assign crew for unfilled positions.

3. On the Planning Overview screen, select a time period in the planner to relieve another crew member.

4. The Best Match pop-up section will automatically be displayed.

5. In the Best Match Crew section, refine the search by filling in the search criteria fields.

The following table provides you with more information on the available fields.



Date From & Date To

Use the calendar function to select the duration the reliever is required to be onboard the vessel.


Note on the Date From field: A back-end database-controlled configuration is available that enables you to specify the number of days prior to the original crew member’s sign off the reliever is required to sign on to accommodate handover purposes. The ‘Date From’ field would then be defaulted to the selected crew member’s last sign off date minus the number of days specified in this configuration. Please note that this feature is a back-end database-controlled configurable feature. If you would like to explore the option of including this feature, please contact BASS Support.


The rank that is to be relieved. This option is greyed out, and will be the same rank as the crew member being relieved.


The vessel onboard which the crew member is to be a reliever.

Preference of Best Crew Selection

Select the check boxes of the criteria that you want to apply to the crew search. You can also drag and drop the criteria to arrange the priority in which the filters will be applied.


Selecting Preferred Crew will display the crew selected in the Preferred Crew List on the Crew Administration screen (see Using the Crew Administration).


6. Click Search. A list of crew members that fit the criteria you entered will be listed. Click on a crew member's name to view their profile.

You can also click the check compliance icon beside the crew's name to open the Check Compliance screen for the selected crew.

7. Select the crew member you would like to assign as a reliever and drag their name to the selected time period.


To edit the details of the activity, right click on the activity and select Edit. The Activity Details pop-window will be displayed.

8. Select both crew members, then right click and select Link Reliever.


The Unlink icon will disappear from the reliever's timeline to indicate that the reliever has been linked.



Using Smart Proposal to Assign Reliever

You can also use the Smart Proposal button to fill in any Unfilled Reliever boxes for any rank in the vessel.

1. On the Planning Overview screen, select the criteria above and click the Search icon.

You can also select the Unfilled Positions Only check box to only display vacant positions. This is to make it easier for you to plan and assign crew for unfilled positions.

2. Open the Best Match section.

3. Select the Date From and To period, the Vessel and the Rank for which the Unfilled Reliever box that you want to fill.

4. Then, click the Smart Proposal icon.

The system will automatically fill in any Unfilled Reliever boxes for that rank in the selected period.


4. Office users can then right click on the boxes that were filled by Smart Proposal and change the status of the activity.



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