Working with Training Center Records

This function allows you to set up the Training Centers that will be used in this module. If you have the appropriate access rights, you will also be able to modify and delete these records. To set up Training Centers, you are actually utilizing the Address Register function. It is very important to note that when setting up this record, you must denote this record as a 'Training Center' in the Type section under the Details tab in order for the System to recognize this record as a Training Center.

Screen Navigation: Home - Administration - Registers -  Address - Training Center

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Creating a Training Center Record

To create a training center in the System:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration menu. Then, click Address and finally click Training Center.

2. The Training Center codes that have been previously created will be displayed in the table. To create a new Training Center, click New. On the Address screen, enter details regarding the Training Center under the Details tab:




Details Section:

Address Code

Enter a code that is to represent this Training Center.


Enter the name of the Training Center.


Enter the address of the Training Center.

Zip Code

Enter the zip code for the address.


Enter the country for the address. You may use the Lookup function to assist you in selecting the country.


Select the current status of this Training Center, for example, 'Approved', 'Blacklisted', 'Pending' and so on.

Reg No

Enter the Training Center's registration number.


Enter the Training Center's value added tax number.

Tax No

Enter the Training Center's taxation number for income tax purposes.

Provident Fund No

Enter the Training Center's provident fund number.

Social Fund No

Enter the Training Center's social fund number.

Info Section: Enter the contact numbers for the various modes of communication.

Type Section: Select the type of address that the address details belong to. In this circumstance, select the Training Center check box. This is very important as it denotes the information you have entered as belonging to a Training Center.

3. You can now specify the contact persons at the Training Center. Click the Contacts tab. Click the '+' icon at the bottom left of the table to add a new row and enter the following details:




Contact Code

Enter a code for the contact.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the contact.


Enter the contact's job title in the organization.


Enter the department under which the contact works in the Training Center.

Job Phone

Enter the contact's work telephone number.

Home Phone

Enter the contact's home telephone number.

Job Fax

Enter the contact's work facsimile number.

Home Fax

Enter the contact's home facsimile number.

Mobile No.

Enter the contact's mobile number.


Enter the contact's email address.

Additional Info

Enter an additional information pertaining to this contact.

4. Click the Trades tab. Under the Training Center tab, you may enter the Account No for payment purposes, select the Contact person with regards to payment, enter the Credit Days given by this Training Center, the Payment mode and any Comments relating to payment matters.


5. Click the Bank/IMPA tab. Click the '+' icon at the bottom left of the table to add a new row. Then specify the Training Center's Bank Account No., IMPA Partner ID, Currency and so on for payment purposes.


6. Click the Comments tab. Here you may enter relevant comments, if any, pertaining to this Training Center.


7. Click Save to complete the creation of this new Training Center record.



Editing a Training Center Record

To edit an existing training center record:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration menu. Then, click Address and finally click Training Center.

2. The Training Center codes that have been previously created will be displayed in the table. To edit an existing Training Center, click an entry in the table.

3. You may then edit the details of the Training Center in the available tabs. Please note that the main Address Code field cannot be edited.

4. Click Save to save the changes you have made.



Deleting a Training Center Record

To delete an existing training center record:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration menu. Then, click Address and finally click Training Center.

2. The Training Center codes that have been previously created will be displayed in the table. To delete an existing Training Center, highlight an entry in the table.


3. Click Delete. Confirm your intention to delete the Training Center. The Training Center will then no longer be listed in the table.

Note: Alternatively, you can click the Training Center record that you want to delete. The Address screen of the Training Center will then be displayed. Click Delete to delete the selected Training Center record. A message confirming your intention to delete the training course will be displayed. Click Yes.




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