Working with Crew Activity Not On Payroll Alerts |
The Crew Activity Not On Payroll alerts display activities of a crew member for which the 'Not on Payroll' check box has been selected on the Activity screen. Double-clicking this alert will take you directly to the selected crew member's Activity screen. This alert basically informs you that you have crew members who will not appear in your company's Payroll records. You then have the option to correct this if it is in error before proceeding to carry out the payroll for the month.
Screen Navigation: Home - Alerts - Payroll Alerts - Crew Activity Not On Payroll link
Working with Crew Activity Not On Payroll Alerts
To work with the alerts: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Payroll Alerts under the Home - Alerts sub menu. 2. The Payroll Alerts screen is displayed. Then, click the Crew Activity Not On Payroll link. 3. A list of crew members who have been selected to not appear on the Payroll will be displayed i.e. crew members who have the 'Not on Payroll' check box selected on their Activity screen. Double-click on the crew member that you want to view. 4. The Activity screen of the selected crew member will be displayed. Click on an Activity Code of a particular activity for which the crew member will not be displayed in the Payroll records. If you decide that this is in error, then please clear the 'Not on Payroll' check box. Ensure that this check box is not selected and then click OK, followed by Save on the Activity screen. 5. Once done, this activity will no longer appear under the Crew Activity Not On Payroll alert.
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