Payroll Setup - Setting Up Consumption Rates |
This feature allows you to set up the budgeted consumption rates per day for provisions for each department.
Screen Navigation: Home - Administration - Payroll Setup - Consumption tab
Setting Up Consumption Rates
To set up consumption rates for each department: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Payroll Setup under the Home - Administration sub menu. The Payroll Setup screen is displayed. Then, click the Consumption tab. 2. Use the Fleet search field to search and select a vessel for which you want to set up provision consumption rates. The Departments that have been set up for this vessel along with its descriptions will then be displayed. Note: To use a previously saved list of vessels, click the search icon in the Fleet search field to use the Vessel List feature on the HR Manager simple search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Vessel List section. Then click a vessel from this list to load the record. 3. Enter the per-day consumption rate (monetary value) for each department. Click on a record and set the consumption rate in the Rate field for each department. 4. Click Save to save your entries.
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