Deleting an Onboard Training/Drill Record

Note: You can only delete Onboard Training/Drill records in HRM if the BASSnet SAFIR license is disabled. If the system detects that the SAFIR license is enabled, all Onboard Training and Drill records can only be created, edited or deleted in the SAFIR module and automatically synchronized to HRM. Please refer to the SAFIR module in the BASSnet Help File to create/edit/delete these records in that module.

Using this feature you can delete a previously created Onboard Training/Drill record.

Screen Navigation: Fleet - Others - Onboard Training and Drills


Deleting an Onboard Training/Drill Record

To delete a previously created onboard training/drill record:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Onboard Training and Drills under the Fleet menu.

2. Ensure that the vessel for which you want to add a new training/drill record has been loaded. Use the Fleet search field to search and select the relevant Vessel.

Note: To use a previously saved vessel list, click the search icon in the Fleet search field to open the Simple Search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Vessel List section and click a vessel from the table.


3. From the main table, click the relevant record that you want to delete. The record details will then be displayed.

4. Click Delete. A pop-up window will be displayed asking you to confirm your intention to delete the record. Click Yes and the selected Onboard Training/Drill record will be removed from the table.


Note: Alternatively, highlight the onboard training/drill record that you want to delete from the main table. Then, click the Delete button at the top of the screen. In a pop-up window that is displayed, select Yes to confirm your intention to delete the record.




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