Approve/Reject a Leave Request |
This feature allows you to view a submitted leave request and then approve or reject it.
Note: If the first level approver does not log in and approve/reject the leave request after a specified duration (based on your company's set up), the system will automatically escalate the request to the second approver (if one exists). If there is no approval or rejection carried out within a specified time frame, the leave request will be automatically approved.
Screen Navigation: Leave Management - My Leave
Approve/Reject a Leave Request
To approve or reject a leave request: 1. From the Leave Management menu, click My Leave. The My Leave screen will be displayed. 2. You will see a tree structure showing the employees that are your subordinates. Click My Approval. 3. The leave requests pending your approval will be displayed. 4. Click on a record and then make one of the following selections:
Note: You may select multiple rows for bulk approval or rejection. Note: If you reject a pending leave application, you are required to enter a comment in the comment field before the application can be successfully rejected. 5. If you select Approve or Reject, this leave record will no longer be displayed in the table. If there is a 2 level approval system set up for this employee, then, the next approver will need to log in and approve/reject the leave request (providing the first approver has 'approved' the request). An email will be sent to the employee informing him that his leave request has been approved/rejected. If the leave request has been approved, the employee's leave balance will be automatically deducted.
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