Creating a Travel Request for Personnel

New Travel Requests can be initiated from the Crew List, Activity or Planned Crew Change screens. This is the first step in making a confirmed travel booking for the selected personnel.

Note: You cannot add a traveller/crew member to an existing travel request. To add a crew member, you would need to delete the existing request and then create a fresh request.

Note: Crew members travelling in the same travel pax can have different departure (for Sign On Travel) or return (for Sign Off Travel) airports/dates/time. So when the travel particulars are exported to Excel, the travel particulars of each crew member will be listed in individual tabs in the Excel sheet.

Important Note: You would use the Travel Request feature if you will be utilizing a Travel Agent for the travel booking. However, if you are managing the travel booking by yourself i.e. without using a Travel Agent, you would need to use the Travel Details feature instead.


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Creating a Travel Request for a Crew Member When Creating a New Activity

Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Activity tab

To create a travel request for a crew member when creating a new activity:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu.

2. Ensure that the crew profile for which you want to create a travel request has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile OR use the Personnel List feature to load a previously saved list of crew and then select the crew member from this list. Then click a record from the Search Results section to view the profile.

3. After you have loaded the crew profile record, click the Activity tab.


Note: You can only create travel requests when creating new activities for activities that have the Travel check box selected in the Activity Register.


4. Click the 'Click here to create new record' link to create a new activity record. On the Activity screen, enter information in the following fields:




Activity Information:


Use the drop-down function to select an activity for the crew member.


Note: For Standby Activities: In order to create a standby activity for a crew member, that crew member must already have a future planned activity on that same vessel (this is if this configuration setting has been carried out in your HRM System). The Checklist for the future assignment must also have been completed.


The Checklist feature can be accessed by selecting an Activity record and then clicking the Checklist link. Select the relevant check boxes to indicate an item as being completed:



Vessel Name

Use the Lookup function to select the vessel to which the crew will be assigned. This should be based on the activity that you select.

Assigned Rank

Use the Lookup function to select the rank the crew member is assigned for the selected activity.

Notify Crew Date

Use the Lookup function to select the date the crew member is notified of his assignment.

Estimated Next Join Date

Application for 'SAIL' activities. Enables you to select the estimated date the crew member will be joining the subsequent vessel after the current activity has been completed. When you click to auto-create the EVCT, the end date of the EVCT will be taken from this field as this will be the date the crew member joins his next vessel.

Available for Rejoin Date

Use the calendar function to select the date the crew member is available to rejoin the vessel.

General Comments

Enter any comments pertaining to this activity.

Allocation Type

This field will only appear if the 'Allocation' check box is selected for this activity in the Activity Register. Use the Lookup to select the allocation type code to indicate the cost allocation for this activity.


Planned Start Date

Use the calendar function to select the date planned for the start of this activity. When the actual sign on takes place, the Start Date field should be updated to reflect the actual date.

Planned End Date

Use the calendar function to select the date planned for the end of this activity. When the actual sign off takes place, the End Date field should be updated to reflect the actual date.

Planned Days

This field will be auto-calculated based on the Planned Start and End Dates entered.

View Vessel Voyage

Click this button to view the Vessel Voyage screen. You can select a vessel and then view the voyage plans created for it.


Start Date

The actual start date of the activity.


Use the drop-down function to select the status of the crew in relation to this activity, for example, whether he is on 'Standby' for the activity, etc. When a crew member signs on to the vessel or signs off, update the status to 'Confirmed'.


Note: If the Global Settings for the vessel has been set to lock the activity upon sign on, then Office Users will not be able to edit this activity once the sign on has taken place UNLESS they have been granted special access rights. However, Vessel Users will still be allowed to edit this activity. Take note that only crew members with a Locked Sign On will appear on the Payroll screens.


If an Office User has been granted special access rights to overwrite the Sign On/Off, he can select an Activity record and click either the 'Overwrite Sign On' or 'Overwrite Sign Off' link. Depending on your selection, either the Sign On Special Edit or Sign Off Special Edit pop-up window will be displayed:




Amend the dates and status as required and then click OK.



Use the Lookup function to select the port at which the activity will begin. This is based on the activity selected.


Use the Lookup function to select the reason as to why the crew member is signing on.


Select the check box to lock the sign-on information to prevent further editing. Only crew members with a locked sign on will be visible in the Payroll module.

End Date

Use the calendar function to select the actual end date of the activity.


Use the drop-down function to select the status of the crew at the end of this activity.


Use the Lookup function to select the port at which the activity will end.


Use the Lookup function to select the reason as to why the crew member is signing off.


Select the check box to lock the sign-off information to prevent further editing.

Sign On/Sign Off Comments

Enter any comments pertaining to the actual activity.


Wage From and To

Use the calendar functions to select the appropriate dates. This information will be synchronized to the Payroll module. The dates for wage payment will be based on the dates entered in these fields.

Not on Payroll

Select this check box if the crew member is not on the company's payroll.


Use Default Ratio

Select this radio button if you would like to use the default ratio that has already been pre-defined by your company in the system for earned vacation time.


Select this radio button if you would like to specify a ratio for the calculation of the earned vacation days.

5. Click Save after you have completed your entries.

6. A Travel Request pop-up window will then appear asking you if you want to create travel requests/pending travel requests for the activity. Select the relevant radio buttons to make the travel requests and click OK.


7. The travel request that you have just created will now be available on the Requests screen in the Travel module (Travel - Requests). Proceed to the Requests screen in the Travel module and, under the Travel Request tab, click the travel request record that you just created. The Travel Request screen will then be displayed.

Proceed to the Update a Travel Request topic to insert/edit the details of the travel request.


Note: If you have created a pending travel request (a travel request for future travel), the record will be listed under the Pending Travel Request tab on the Requests screen. You can turn this record into a travel request by highlighting it and then selecting the Request Travel button.




Creating a Travel Request for a Crew Member from an Existing Activity

Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Activity - Travel link - Sign On/Sign Off

To create a travel request for a crew member:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu.

2. Ensure that the crew profile for which you want to create a travel request has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile OR use the Personnel List feature to load a previously saved list of crew and then select the crew member from this list. Then click a record from the Search Results section to view the profile.

3. After you have loaded the crew profile record, click the Activity tab. A list of Activities created for the selected crew member will be displayed. Select an activity for which you want to create a travel request.


Note: You can only create travel requests for activities that have the Travel check box selected in the Activity Register.


4. The details of the selected activity will be displayed on the Activity screen. Hover your mouse over the Travel Request link and select either Sign On or Sign Off (depending on whether you are creating a travel request for a crew member signing on or signing off).


5. The Travel Request screen will then be displayed.

Proceed to the Update a Travel Request topic to insert/edit the details of the travel request.



Creating a Travel Request from the Crew Lists screen

Screen Navigation: Personnel - Crew Lists - Request Travel

To create a travel request for a crew member:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Crew Lists under the Personnel menu.

2. Here you can carry out a search for a list of crew onboard a specific vessel and narrow this search based on a specific time period.




If you select ‘Onboard’, then only crew members with a ‘Confirmed’ sign on status and a 'Plan' sign off status will be displayed.

Note: The 'From' and 'To' date selection fields will not be displayed on the Crew Lists screen if the 'Onboard' radio button is selected.


Select this radio button to display all crew onboard the vessel where their sign on and sign off dates overlap with the time period entered. The search does not check on the Start Status or End Status.

Sign On or Off

Select this radio button to display crew signing on and off from the vessel based on the time period entered.

Sign On Only

Select this radio button to display crew signing on to the vessel based on the time period entered.

Sign Off Only

Select this radio button to display crew signing off from the vessel based on the time period entered.

From Date/To Date

Specify a period for which you want to search for crew either on board the vessel, signing off/on to the vessel or both.

Note: The 'From' and 'To' date selection fields will not be displayed on the Crew Lists screen if the 'Onboard' radio button is selected.

Include All Planned

Selecting this check box will include crew members with planned sign on and sign off statuses.


Use the Lookup function to select the vessel for which you want to display a crew list.

Note: After a vessel selection is made in the Vessel field, the Attachment(s) button will then be enabled.


Manning Agent

Use the Lookup function to filter the crew list by Manning Agent.

Pool (Crew)

Narrow your search to a particular crew pool. Click the '+' icon to select the crew pools you want to include.


Use the Lookup function to filter the crew list by nationality.

License Status

In this section, the validity of the crew member's license expiration date can be compared to the date selected in the Check Date field, the end date of his activity in the End of Tenure field, or the end date of his activity plus additional days in the End of Tenure + Day(s) field.


In this section, Capacity states the number of crew members the vessel can accommodate, Occupied states the number of crew members currently onboard the vessel and Planned states the number of crew members planning to be onboard.

MR Crew

The number of positions of the vessel's Manning Requirements.

3. Click Search to retrieve a list of crew based on the criteria you have specified.

4. After you have generated the list of crew, select the check box under the Request Travel - Sign On/Off column for the crew that is to travel, and click Request Travel to create a new travel request.

Multiple crew can be selected to include in the travel request.


Note: Once a travel request has been created for a crew member, a flight icon will appear in the S.On and/or S.Off sub-column (depending on whether you have created a travel request for a crew member who is signing on or signing off).


5. The Travel Request screen will then be displayed.

Proceed to the Update a Travel Request topic to insert/edit the details of the travel request.



Creating a Travel Request from the Planned Crew Change screen

Screen Navigation: Planning - Planned Crew Change - Request Travel

To create a travel request for a crew member:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Planned Crew Change under the Planning menu.

2. The Planned Crew Change screen will be displayed. To view planned crew records that are available in the System, specify the date range, Vessel, Port, Creator and so on and click the Search icon. The result will then be displayed.


Note: Selecting the 'Include Completed' check box will include confirmed crew changes in your search result.

3. Click on the No. of a crew change record that contains the off-signers and on-signers for whom you want to create a travel request.

The System will then display the details of the planned crew change and the off-signers and on-signers as planned in the Activity sub module (only crew members with confirmed sign-ons in their Activity records will be displayed in the Off-Signers column).

4. In the Off-Signer or On-Signer sections below, select the check box of the crew for whom you wish to create a travel request, then click Request Travel.


5. A pop-up message informing you of the newly created travel request will be displayed. Click OK. The travel request record will now be listed under the Travel Request tab on the Requests screen in the Travel module (Travel - Requests).


6. Proceed to the Requests screen in the Travel module and, under the Travel Request tab, click the travel request record that you just created.

Proceed to the Update a Travel Request topic to insert/edit the details of the travel request.



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