Creating and Updating Travel Details

This feature allows you to create travel details from the Activity or Crew Lists screen for a crew member signing on or signing off. This is the first step in making a confirmed travel booking for the selected personnel.

Note: The Travel Details link on the Travel Request screen displays the travel details that are arranged from an approved travel agent. You can make changes to the travel details for multiple personnel who are in the travel request, for example to add a hotel reservation and so on.

Note: Crew members travelling in the same travel request can have different departure (for Sign On Travel) or return (for Sign Off Travel) airports/dates/times. So when the travel request details are exported to Excel, the details of each crew member will be listed in individual tabs in the Excel sheet.

Important Note: You would use the Travel Request feature if you will be utilizing a Travel Agent for the travel booking. However, if you are managing the travel booking by yourself, i.e. without using a Travel Agent, you would need to use the Travel Details feature instead.

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Activity screen - Creating Travel Details for a Crew Member

Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Activity - Travel Details link - Sign On/Sign Off

To create travel details for a crew member:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu.

2. Ensure that the crew profile for which you want to create travel details has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile OR use the Personnel List feature to load a previously saved list of crew and then select the crew member from this list. Then click a record from the Search Results section to view the profile.

3. After you have loaded the crew profile record, click the Activity tab. A list of Activities created for the selected crew member will be displayed. Select an activity for which you want to create travel details.


Note: You can only create travel details for activities that have the Travel check box selected in the Activity Register.


4. The details of the selected activity will be displayed on the Activity screen. Mouse-over on the Travel Details link and select either Sign On or Sign Off (depending on whether you are creating the travel details for a crew member signing on or signing off).


5. The Travel Details screen will be displayed. Here you will be able to enter all the travel information for the crew member. The Crew Info section displays the details of the crew member travelling in the travel booking as derived from his Activity and Profile records.


6. Clicking the Show Act. button will display the Last, Current and Next activities of this crew member.


7. The Sign On or Sign Off section enables you to enter the crew member's main travel details, for instance the From and To locations, Travel Date and the Port Agent who will be handling the necessary port arrangements, etc. The Travel Status field enables you to state the current status of this travel for instance, 'Approved', 'Open', etc.

8. In the Email Crew section, you can click the email icon to send an email to the crew member with the selected attachments, for example, Immigration Letter, US Visa Letter and/or Schengen Letter by selecting the respective check boxes. The Last Sent field displays the date the email was sent.

Note: These three reports, together with the DNV Letter, can be accessed by clicking the Print button and selecting the report that you want to generate.

9. Under the Flight tab, you can enter the crew member's travel preferences and take that into account when making his travel booking.




Travel Agent

The crew member's preferred travel agent.

Ticket Type

The crew member's preferred ticket type, for instance, 'Single' or 'Return' ticket.

Pref. Class

The crew member's preferred class of seating.

Pref. Meals

The crew member's preferred meal onboard the flight.

Pref. Airline

The crew member's preferred airline.

Pref. Seat

The crew member's preferred seat, for example, 'Aisle', 'Middle' or 'Window' seat.


Any comments pertaining to the flight, if any.

Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table and then enter the following information:

Flight Sequence

The sequence in which this flight record will appear in the table, for example, entering '1' will put this flight record in the first row.

Visa Type

The visa type which the crew member uses to travel.


The airline used for this travel.

Flight No.

The flight number of the flight the crew member will be flying on.

Bag Limit

The baggage allowance given for this travel.

Flight Class

The flight class the crew member will be flying, for instance, economy, first class, business class and so on.


The location of departure.


The location of arrival.

Departure Date

The departure date of the flight.

Arrival Date

The arrival date of the flight.

Departure Time

The departure time of the flight.

Arrival Time

The arrival time of the flight.

Booking #

The booking number of the flight ticket.


The e-ticketing number of the flight ticket, if any.

Flight Status

The status of the flight ticket, for instance, whether it is confirmed or wait-listed.


The IATA code for the Travel Agent.


Indicates whether the cost of this travel is recoverable from the crew member. For instance, tickets have been purchased for the crew member's spouse but the charges are to be borne by the crew member himself.


The purchase order number of this booking. This will come in handy when entering the details in the Procurement module.

Ref No

The reference number, if any.


The cost related to this booking.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency code used for the cost of the flight ticket.

Ticket Price

The cost of the flight ticket.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the flight.


The cost of the tax incurred for the flight arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically populated by the System based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of the ticket price.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

10. Click OK once done. The Total Flight Cost field will display the total cost of the flight in base currency and you can then use the Lookup function to select the Cost Center/Account Code to which this cost will be charged.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more flight details to the table, for example, if additional domestic flights are used or a connecting flight is required.

11. Click the Hotel tab. If the crew member is to use a particular hotel prior to taking the flight or after taking the flight, you can enter the details of that stay here. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Check In Date

The date the crew member is to check in to the hotel.

Check Out Date

The date the crew member is to check out of the hotel.

Check In Time

The time the crew member is to check in to the hotel.

Check Out Time

The time the crew member is to check out of the hotel.

Hotel Type

The class of the hotel, for instance, '2 star', '3 star', and so on.

Room Type

The room class that will be used, for instance, 'Superior Room', 'Deluxe Room', and so on.

Number of Beds

The number of beds available in the room.

Number of Guest

The number of persons residing in the room.

Number of Rooms

The number of rooms required for this travel.

Meal Included

Indicate whether meals are included in the hotel rate.

Hotel Code

The hotel code.

Hotel Name

The hotel name will be populated based on the hotel code selected.


The address of the hotel.


The country that the hotel is in.


The city that the hotel is in.


The telephone number of the hotel.


The hotel's telex number.


The hotel's facsimile number.

Hotel Agent

The name of the hotel agent.

Hotel Status

The booking status at the hotel.


Any comments pertaining to the hotel booking, if any.


Indicate whether the cost of this travel is recoverable.


The purchase order number of this booking. This will come in handy when entering the details in the Procurement module.

Ref No

The reference number for this booking, if available.


The cost related to this booking.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency in which the cost is charged.

Hotel Cost

The cost of the hotel stay.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the hotel.


The cost of the tax incurred for the hotel arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically displayed based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of the hotel cost.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

12. Click OK once done. The Total Hotel Cost field will display the total cost of the hotel stay.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more hotel details to the table, for instance, if more than one hotel is used during the travel.

13. Click the Transport tab. Under this tab, you can track all ground travel arrangements and costs, for example, airport transfers and so on. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Transport Mode

The mode of transportation that the crew member uses during the travel.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Pickup Date

The date the transportation is to pickup the crew.

Pickup Time

The time the transportation is to pickup the crew.

Drop Date

The date the transportation is to drop off the crew.

Drop Time

The time the transportation is to drop off the crew.

Pickup Location

The location from which the transport is to pick the crew up.

Drop Location

The destination of the transport.

Car Type

The type of car selected for the transport.

Car Vendor

The car vendor selected for the transport.

Cost Element

The cost related to this mode of transportation.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency in which the cost is charged.


The amount of transportation cost.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the transport.


The cost of the tax incurred for the transport arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically displayed based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of transportation cost.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.


Any comments pertaining to this mode of transportation, if any.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

14. Click OK once done.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more transportation details to the table, for instance, if more than one transportation is used during the travel.

15. Click the Invoice tab. Here, you can add invoice details of the travel booking. The information entered here can be linked to the Procurement module. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Invoice No

The invoice number.

Send To

Where the invoice was sent.

Received Date

The date the invoice was received.

Passed Date

The date the invoice was passed.

Paid Date

The date the payment was made on the invoice.

Ref No

The reference number for the invoice, if any.

Invoice Status

The current status of the invoice, for instance, 'On Hold', 'Paid', and so on.

16. Click OK once done.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more invoice details to the table.

17. Click the Other tab. Here you can add details of any other travel costs incurred. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Travel Cost Type

The additional travel expenses, for example, transportation cost, travel allowance, and so on.


The account the cost was paid to.


The reason for this additional cost.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency of the cost.


The amount of the cost.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically populated by the System based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.

Amount (Base Currency)

The amount of cost in base currency will be automatically calculated by the System based on the exchange rate.


To indicate whether this cost is recoverable.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

18. Click OK once done. The Total Other Cost field will display the total cost of additional travel costs incurred.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more travel cost details to the table.

19. The Travel Documents tab displays the travel documents currently held by this crew member. This allows you to quickly view the validity of the documents.


20. The Attachment tab allows you to attach relevant documents to this record. In the Document(s) Attached field, click the Lookup function to open the Upload Manager and then select and upload all relevant documents. By clicking the email icons next to the Travel Agent, Port Agent, Vessel and Manning Agent fields, you are able to send the confirmed travel details to the travel agent, port agent, vessel and/or manning agent. Valid email address must have been added for these entities in the Registers sub module. The Last Sent fields display the date when the emails were sent.


21. If the cost of the travel is to be charged to the crew member, then in the Charge to Crew IPN field, use the Lookup function to select the IPN of the crew member to whom the charge should be levied.

22. The Total Travel Cost field displays total travel cost which includes all items added in the Flight, Hotel, Transport, Invoice and Other tabs.

23. Click Save at the top of the screen to save the information entered in this record.



Crew Lists screen - Creating Travel Details for a Crew Member

Screen Navigation: Fleet - My Vessels - Crew Lists

To create travel details for a crew member:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Crew Lists under the Fleet menu.

2. The Crew Lists screen will be displayed. Here you can carry out a search for a list of crew onboard a specific vessel and narrow this search based on a specific time period. The available search criteria are:





If you select ‘Onboard’, then only crew members with a ‘Confirmed’ sign on status and a 'Plan' sign off status will be displayed.

Note: The 'From' and 'To' date selection fields will not be displayed on the Crew Lists screen if the 'Onboard' radio button is selected.


Select this radio button to display all crew onboard the vessel where their sign on and sign off dates overlap with the time period entered. The search does not check on the Start Status or End Status.

Sign On or Off

Select this radio button to display crew signing on or off from the vessel based on the time period entered.

Sign On Only

Select this radio button to display crew signing on to the vessel based on the time period entered.

Sign Off Only

Select this radio button to display crew signing off from the vessel based on the time period entered.

From Date/To Date

Specify a period for which you want to search for crew either on board the vessel, signing off/on to the vessel or both.

Note: The 'From' and 'To' date selection fields will not be displayed on the Crew Lists screen if the 'Onboard' radio button is selected.

Include All Planned

Selecting this check box will include crew members with planned sign on and sign off statuses.


Use the Lookup function to select the vessel for which you want to display a crew list.

Note: After a vessel selection is made in the Vessel field, the Attachment(s) button will then be enabled.


Manning Agent

Use the Lookup function to filter the crew list by Manning Agent.

Pool (Crew)

Narrow your search to a particular crew pool. Click the '+' icon to select the crew pools you want to include.


Use the Lookup function to filter the crew list by nationality.

License Status

In this section, the validity of the crew member's license expiration date can be compared to the date selected in the Check Date field, the end date of his activity in the End of Tenure field, or the end date of his activity plus additional days in the End of Tenure + Day(s) field.


In this section, Capacity states the number of crew members the vessel can accommodate, Occupied states the number of crew members currently onboard the vessel and Planned states the number of crew members planning to be onboard.

MR Crew

The number of positions of the vessel's Manning Requirements.

3. Click Search to retrieve a list of crew based on the criteria you have specified.

4. Highlight the crew member for whom you want to create travel details and click the Travel Details link to select either Sign On or Sign Off (depending on whether you are creating the travel details for a crew member signing on or signing off).


5. The Travel Details screen will be displayed. Here you will be able to enter all the travel information for the crew member. The Crew Info section displays the details of the crew member travelling in the travel booking as derived from his Activity and Profile records. 

6. Clicking the Show Act. button will display the Last, Current and Next activities of this crew member.

7. The Sign On or Sign Off section enables you to enter the crew member's main travel details, for instance the From and To locations, Travel Date and the Port Agent who will be handling the necessary port arrangements, etc. The Travel Status field enables you to state the current status of this travel for instance, 'Approved', 'Open', etc.

8. In the Email Crew section, you can click the email icon to send an email to the crew member with the selected attachments, for example, Immigration Letter, US Visa Letter and/or Schengen Letter by selecting the respective check boxes. The Last Sent field displays the date the email was sent.

Note: These three reports, together with the DNV Letter, can be accessed by clicking the Print button and selecting the report that you want to generate.

9. Under the Flight tab, you can enter the crew member's travel preferences and take that into account when making his travel booking.




Travel Agent

The crew member's preferred travel agent.

Ticket Type

The crew member's preferred ticket type, for instance, 'Single' or 'Return' ticket.

Pref. Class

The crew member's preferred class of seating.

Pref. Meals

The crew member's preferred meal onboard the flight.

Pref. Airline

The crew member's preferred airline.

Pref. Seat

The crew member's preferred seat, for example, 'Aisle', 'Middle' or 'Window' seat.


Any comments pertaining to the flight, if any.

Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table and then enter the following information:

Flight Sequence

The sequence in which this flight record will appear in the table, for example, entering '1' will put this flight record in the first row.

Visa Type

The visa type which the crew member uses to travel.


The airline used for this travel.

Flight No.

The flight number of the flight the crew member will be flying on.

Bag Limit

The baggage allowance given for this travel.

Flight Class

The flight class the crew member will be flying, for instance, economy, first class, business class and so on.


The location of departure.


The location of arrival.

Departure Date

The departure date of the flight.

Arrival Date

The arrival date of the flight.

Departure Time

The departure time of the flight.

Arrival Time

The arrival time of the flight.

Booking #

The booking number of the flight ticket.


The e-ticketing number of the flight ticket, if any.

Flight Status

The status of the flight ticket, for instance, whether it is confirmed or wait-listed.


The IATA code for the Travel Agent.


Indicates whether the cost of this travel is recoverable from the crew member. For instance, tickets have been purchased for the crew member's spouse but the charges are to be borne by the crew member himself.


The purchase order number of this booking. This will come in handy when entering the details in the Procurement module.

Ref No

The reference number, if any.


The cost related to this booking.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency code used for the cost of the flight ticket.

Ticket Price

The cost of the flight ticket.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the flight.


The cost of the tax incurred for the flight arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically populated by the System based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of the ticket price.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

10. Click OK once done. The Total Flight Cost field will display the total cost of the flight in base currency and you can then use the Lookup function to select the Cost Center/Account Code to which this cost will be charged.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more flight details to the table, for example, if additional domestic flights are used or a connecting flight is required.

11. Click the Hotel tab. If the crew member is to use a particular hotel prior to taking the flight or after taking the flight, you can enter the details of that stay here. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Check In Date

The date the crew member is to check in to the hotel.

Check Out Date

The date the crew member is to check out of the hotel.

Check In Time

The time the crew member is to check in to the hotel.

Check Out Time

The time the crew member is to check out of the hotel.

Hotel Type

The class of the hotel, for instance, '2 star', '3 star', and so on.

Room Type

The room class that will be used, for instance, 'Superior Room', 'Deluxe Room', and so on.

Number of Beds

The number of beds available in the room.

Number of Guests

The number of persons residing in the room.

Number of Rooms

The number of rooms required for this travel.

Meal Included

Indicate whether meals are included in the hotel rate.

Hotel Code

The hotel code.

Hotel Name

The hotel name will be populated based on the hotel code selected.


The address of the hotel.


The country that the hotel is in.


The city that the hotel is in.


The telephone number of the hotel.


The hotel's telex number.


The hotel's facsimile number.

Hotel Agent

The name of the hotel agent.

Hotel Status

The booking status at the hotel.


Any comments pertaining to the hotel booking, if any.


Indicate whether the cost of this travel is recoverable.


The purchase order number of this booking. This will come in handy when entering the details in the Procurement module.

Ref No

The reference number for this booking, if available.


The cost related to this booking.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency in which the cost is charged.

Hotel Cost

The cost of the hotel stay.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the hotel.


The cost of the tax incurred for the hotel arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically displayed based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of the hotel cost.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

12. Click OK once done. The Total Hotel Cost field will display the total cost of the hotel stay.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more hotel details to the table, for instance, if more than one hotel is used during the travel.

13. Click the Transport tab. Under this tab, you can track all ground travel arrangements and costs, for example, airport transfers and so on. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Transport Mode

The mode of transportation that the crew member uses during the travel.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Pickup Date

The date the transportation is to pickup the crew.

Pickup Time

The time the transportation is to pickup the crew.

Drop Date

The date the transportation is to drop off the crew.

Drop Time

The time the transportation is to drop off the crew.

Pickup Location

The location from which the transport is to pick the crew up.

Drop Location

The destination of the transport.

Car Type

The type of car selected for the transport.

Car Vendor

The car vendor selected for the transport.

Cost Element

The cost related to this mode of transportation.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency in which the cost is charged.


The amount of transportation cost.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the transport.


The cost of the tax incurred for the transport arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically displayed based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of transportation cost.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.


Any comments pertaining to this mode of transportation, if any.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

14. Click OK once done.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more transportation details to the table, for instance, if more than one transportation is used during the travel.

15. Click the Invoice tab. Here, you can add invoice details of the travel booking. The information entered here can be linked to the Procurement module. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Invoice No

The invoice number.

Send To

Where the invoice was sent.

Received Date

The date the invoice was received.

Passed Date

The date the invoice was passed.

Paid Date

The date the payment was made on the invoice.

Ref No

The reference number for the invoice, if any.

Invoice Status

The current status of the invoice, for instance, 'On Hold', 'Paid', and so on.

16. Click OK once done.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more invoice details to the table.

17. Click the Other tab. Here you can add details of any other travel costs incurred. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:




Travel Cost Type

The additional travel expenses, for example, transportation cost, travel allowance, and so on.


The account the cost was paid to.


The reason for this additional cost.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency of the cost.


The amount of the cost.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically populated by the System based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.

Amount (Base Currency)

The amount of cost in base currency will be automatically calculated by the System based on the exchange rate.


To indicate whether this cost is recoverable.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

18. Click OK once done. The Total Other Cost field will display the total cost of additional travel costs incurred.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more travel cost details to the table.

19. The Travel Documents tab displays the travel documents currently held by this crew member. This allows you to quickly view the validity of the documents.


20. The Attachment tab allows you to attach relevant documents to this record. In the Document(s) Attached field, click the Lookup function to open the Upload Manager and then select and upload all relevant documents. By clicking the email icons next to the Travel Agent, Port Agent, Vessel and Manning Agent fields, you are able to send the confirmed travel details to the travel agent, port agent, vessel and/or manning agent. Valid email address must have been added for these entities in the Registers sub module. The Last Sent fields display the date when the emails were sent.


21. If the cost of the travel is to be charged to the crew member, then in the Charge to Crew IPN field, use the Lookup function to select the IPN of the crew member to whom the charge should be levied.

22. The Total Travel Cost field displays total travel cost which includes all items added in the Flight, Hotel, Transport, Invoice and Other tabs.

23. Click Save at the top of the screen to save the information entered in this record.



Travel Request screen - View/Amend Crew Member's Travel Details

Screen Navigation: Travel - Travel Request - Travel Details link

To make changes to a crew member's travel details, for example, where a flight has been re-timed:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Requests under the Travel menu.

2. The Requests screen is displayed. Under the Travel Request tab, a list of travel requests which have been made in the System will be displayed. Click a travel request record to be directed to its Travel Request screen.

3. On the Travel Request screen, click the Travel Details link (bag icon).


The Travel Details screen will then be displayed.

4. On the left side of the screen in the Crew table, you will be able to select and view the travel details of the crew members that are travelling in the travel request. The Sign On or Sign Off section displays the crew member's main travel details. You can also click the Email Crew button to send an email to the crew member with the selected attachments, example, Immigration Letter, US Visa Letter and/or Schengen Letter by selecting the respective check boxes. The Last Sent field displays the date the email was sent.

Note: Click the 'Copy from' button to copy the From and To details, Travel Date and Port Agent from the crew member's existing travel request to the travel details record.

5. You may also make changes or enter additional information in the Flight, Hotel, Ground, Invoice or Other tabs. You can also add attachments under the Attachment tab.

6. Under the Flight tab: - Here you can also see the crew member's travel preferences and take that into account when making his travel booking.



Travel Agent

The crew member's preferred travel agent.

Ticket Type

The crew member's preferred ticket type, for instance, 'Single' or 'Return' ticket.

Pref. Class

The crew member's preferred class of seating.

Pref. Meals

The crew member's preferred meal onboard the flight.

Pref. Airline

The crew member's preferred airline.

Pref. Seat

The crew member's preferred seat, for example, 'Aisle', 'Middle' or 'Window' seat.


Any comments pertaining to the flight, if any.

Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table and then enter the following information:

Flight Sequence

The sequence in which this flight record will appear in the table, for example, entering '1' will put this flight record in the first row.

Visa Type

The visa type which the crew member uses to travel.


The airline used for this travel.

Flight No.

The flight number of the flight the crew member will be flying on.

Bag Limit

The baggage allowance given for this travel.

Flight Class

The flight class the crew member will be flying, for instance, economy, first class, business class and so on.


The location of departure.


The location of arrival.

Departure Date

The departure date of the flight.

Arrival Date

The arrival date of the flight.

Departure Time

The departure time of the flight.

Arrival Time

The arrival time of the flight.

Booking #

The booking number of the flight ticket.


The e-ticketing number of the flight ticket, if any.

Flight Status

The status of the flight ticket, for instance, whether it is confirmed or wait-listed.


The IATA code for the Travel Agent.


Indicates whether the cost of this travel is recoverable from the crew member. For instance, tickets have been purchased for the crew member's spouse but the charges are to be borne by the crew member himself.


The purchase order number of this booking. This will come in handy when entering the details in the Procurement module.

Ref No

The reference number, if any.


The cost related to this booking.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency code used for the cost of the flight ticket.

Ticket Price

The cost of the flight ticket.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the flight.


The cost of the tax incurred for the flight arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically populated by the System based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of the ticket price.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more flight details to the table, for example, if additional domestic flights are used or a connecting flight is required.

7. Click the Hotel tab. If the crew member is to use a particular hotel prior to taking the flight or after taking the flight, you can enter the details of that stay here. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:



Check In Date

The date the crew member is to check in to the hotel.

Check Out Date

The date the crew member is to check out of the hotel.

Check In Time

The time the crew member is to check in to the hotel.

Check Out Time

The time the crew member is to check out of the hotel.

Hotel Type

The class of the hotel, for instance, '2 star', '3 star', and so on.

Room Type

The room class that will be used, for instance, 'Superior Room', 'Deluxe Room', and so on.

Number of Beds

The number of beds available in the room.

Number of Person

The number of persons residing in the room.

Number of Rooms

The number of rooms required for this travel.

Meal Included

Indicate whether meals are included in the hotel rate.

Hotel Code

The hotel code.

Hotel Name

The hotel name will be populated based on the hotel code selected.


The address of the hotel.


The country that the hotel is in.


The city that the hotel is in.


The telephone number of the hotel.


The hotel's telex number.


The hotel's facsimile number.

Hotel Agent

The name of the hotel agent.

Hotel Status

The booking status at the hotel.


Any comments pertaining to the hotel booking, if any.


Indicate whether the cost of this travel is recoverable.


The purchase order number of this booking. This will come in handy when entering the details in the Procurement module.

Ref No

The reference number for this booking, if available.


The cost related to this booking.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency in which the cost is charged.

Hotel Cost

The cost of the hotel stay.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the hotel.


The cost of the tax incurred for the hotel arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically displayed based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of the hotel cost.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more hotel details to the table, for instance, if more than one hotel is used during the travel.

8. Click the Transport tab. Under this tab, you can track all ground travel arrangements and costs, for example, airport transfers and so on. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:



Transport Mode

The mode of transportation that the crew member uses during the travel.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Pickup Date

The date the transportation is to pickup the crew.

Pickup Time

The time the transportation is to pickup the crew.

Drop Date

The date the transportation is to drop off the crew.

Drop Time

The time the transportation is to drop off the crew.

Pickup Location

The location from which the transport is to pick the crew up.

Drop Location

The destination of the transport.

Car Type

The type of car selected for the transport.

Car Vendor

The car vendor selected for the transport.

Cost Element

The cost related to this mode of transportation.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency in which the cost is charged.


The amount of transportation cost.

Service Fee

The cost of the service fee charged for the transport.


The cost of the tax incurred for the transport arrangements.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically displayed based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.


The amount of transportation cost.

This amount is converted and displayed in the Transaction Currency.


Any comments pertaining to this mode of transportation, if any.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more transportation details to the table, for instance, if more than one transportation is used during the travel.

9. Click the Invoice tab. Here, you can add invoice details of the travel booking. The information entered here can be linked to the Procurement module. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:



Invoice No.

Enter the number of the invoice.

Send To

Enter where the invoice was sent.

Received Date

Enter the date the invoice was received.

Passed Date

Enter the date the invoice was passed.

Paid Date

Enter the date payment was made on the invoice.

Ref. No.

Enter a reference number for the invoice, if any.

Invoice Status

Use the Lookup function to select the current status of the invoice, for instance, 'On Hold', 'Paid' and so on.


Click in this field to launch the 'Upload Manager'. You can then browse and add attachments to this record.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more invoice details to the table.

10. Click the Other tab. Here you can add details of any other travel costs incurred. Click the '+' icon to add a new row to the table:



Travel Cost Type

The additional travel expenses, for example, transportation cost, travel allowance, and so on.


The account the cost was paid to.


The reason for this additional cost.


The transaction date when the cost was paid.


The currency of the cost.


The amount of the cost.


The Rate of Exchange will be automatically populated by the System based on the currency code selected in the Currency field.

Amount (Base Currency)

The amount of cost in base currency will be automatically calculated by the System based on the exchange rate.


To indicate whether this cost is recoverable.

Receipt No

The receipt number relating to the cost that was charged.

Charge To

Enables you to select where the cost is to be charged. For example, if it were to be charged to the company, then select the Company radio button and then use the Lookup function to select the exact company to which the cost will be charged.  

Reimburse To

Enables you to select if any reimbursements need to be made. For examples, selecting the Crew radio button indicates that the crew member needs to be reimbursed for the cost.

Note: You can click the '+' icon to add more travel cost details to the table.

11. The Travel Documents tab displays the travel documents currently held by this crew members. This allows you to quickly view the validity of the documents.

12. The Attachment tab allows you to attach relevant documents to this record. In the Document(s) Attached field, click the Lookup function to open the Upload Manager and then select and upload all relevant documents. By clicking the email icons next to the Travel Agent, Port Agent, Vessel and Manning Agent fields, you are able to send the confirmed travel details to the travel agent, port agent, vessel and/or manning agent. Valid email address must have been added for these entities in the Registers sub module. The Last Sent fields display the date when the emails were sent.

13. If the cost of the travel is to be charged to the crew member, then at the Charge to Crew IPN field, select the IPN of the crew member to whom the charge should be levied.

14. The Total Travel Cost field displays total travel cost which includes all items added in the Flight, Hotel, Transport, Invoice and Other tabs.

15. Click Save at the top of the page if you have made changes to this record.



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