Using the Seagull Feature


The System includes an integration to Seagull. Seagull enables you to see the Seagull training requirements required for the crew member who will be onboard the selected vessel, as well as the courses that the crew member has completed.


As part of the Seagull integration, the HR Manager System is also able to receive the completed crew training details from the Seagull System.


The HRM System will be updated as follows:


a. CBT records will be stored under the Onboard Training/Drills tab.


b. CST records will be stored under the Training tab.


The batch crew update (HRSeagull.exe) is automated and will be handled and executed by ‘Windows Scheduler’.


Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Send to Seagull link




Using the Seagull Feature


To use the Seagull feature:


1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu.


2. Ensure that the crew profile which you want to send to Seagull has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile.


Note: To use a previously saved list of crew, click the search icon in the Personnel search field to use the Personnel List feature on the Simple Search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Personnel List section and click a crew member from the Search Result section to view his profile.




3. After you have loaded the crew profile, click the Send to Seagull link.




4. On the Send to Seagull pop-up window, use the Lookup function in the Vessel Name field to select the vessel on which the crew member will be sailing and click OK. A message will then be displayed indicating that the crew profile record has been successfully sent to the Seagull System.




5. Under the Training tab on the Licenses/Training screen, click the crew member's training record to view its details. Once its details are displayed, click the Seagull Lookup link.




6. The Seagull website will be displayed showing you the Seagull training requirements required for the crew member who will be onboard the selected vessel, as well as the courses that he has completed. You can then use this as a reference to plan further training for this crew member or to decide whether to approve/reject a proposed training.






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