Searching for Crew Members

Using this feature you can quickly search for crew records in the System. You have the option of carrying out a search based on the information in the crew member's Personnel record or based on the crew member's Activity.

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Searching for a crew member

To search for crew records in the system:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Crew Search under the Personnel menu. The Crew Search screen is displayed.

2. On the top half of the screen, you can carry out a crew search based on Activity dates. To further filter your search, click any of the collapsible panes, ‘Profile’, ‘Qualifications’, or ‘Experienceto display additional search filter sections.

You can proceed to perform a crew search using a combination of the following fields:





Select the date from which the search is to be carried out. When combined with the To date selected, the system will carry out a search for crew members based on Activities in the system.


Select the date up to which the search is to be carried out. When combined with the From date selected, the system will carry out a search for crew members based on Activities in the system.

Include Planned Activity

Include crew members with planned activities in the search result.

Include Confirmed Activity

Include crew members who have been deployed to sea in the search result.

Include No Activity

Include crew members with no activity in the search result.


Include active crew members in the search result.

Show Experience

Include crew members' experience in the search result.



Search for crew members based on activities to which they are currently tied. Click the '+' icon to display a list of activities in the Crew Activity pop-up window. You may select more than one activity. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.

Rank (Profile)

Search for crew members of a particular rank/s. Click the '+' icon to display a list of ranks in the Rank pop-up window. You may select more than one rank at a time. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.


Search for crew members based on their nationality. Click the '+' icon to display a list of nationalities in the Nationality pop-up window. You may select more than one nationality code. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.


Search for crew members from certain pools. Click the '+' icon to display a list of pools in the Pool pop-up window. You may select to list crew members from more than one pool of crew. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.

Manning Agent

Search for crew members based on their manning agents. Click the '+' icon to display a list of manning agents in the Manning Agent pop-up window. You may select more than one manning agent. Make your selection and then, click OK.

Date of Birth

Search for crew members based on their dates of birth. Use the calendar function to select the date of birth and use the drop-down menu to generate results that are relative to the selected date of birth (Equals, More than or Less than the date of birth).

Crew IPN

Search using the crew member's IPN (the System-generated crew number).

Crew File No.

Search using the crew member's file number.

Registration No.

Search using the crew member's registration number.

Personal ID

Search using the crew member's personal ID.

Last Name

Search using the crew member's last name.

First Name

Search using the crew member's first name.

Other Name

Search using the crew member's other name as listed in his personnel record.

Employment Type

Search for crew members based on their employment type.

Employment Entry Type

Search for crew members based on their employment entry type. The employment entry types listed in this field are gathered from the Employment History screen where this field is located.

Employment Status Code

Search for crew members based on their employment status. The employment status codes listed in this field are gathered from the Employment History screen where this field is located.



Search for crew members based on licenses held. Click the '+' icon to display a list of licenses in the License pop-up window. You may select more than one license. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.


Search for crew members based on certificates held. Click the '+' icon to display a list of certificates in the Certificate pop-up window. You may select more than one certificate. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.


Search for crew members based on trainings they have attended. Click the '+' icon to display a list of training records in the Training pop-up window. You may select more than one training record. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.

Travel Document

Search for crew members based on travel documents held. Click the '+' icon to display a list of travel documents in the Crew Document Type pop-up window. You may select more than one travel document. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.


Use the more than X months field to search for travel documents where the expiry date is more than a certain number of months away.


Search for crew members based on their medical history. Click the '+' icon to display a list of medical examinations/tests records in the Crew Medical Type pop-up window. You may select more than one type. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.

Language Proficiency

Search for crew members based on their proficiency of a particular language. Click the '+' icon to display a list of languages in the Language pop-up window. You may select more than one language. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.



Search for crew members based on the vessel that they work on. Click the '+' icon to display a list of vessels in the Vessel pop-up window. You may select more than one vessel. Make your selection from this list and then, click OK.  

Vessel Type

Specify to only list crew members who have experience with a particular vessel type. Use the Lookup function to select the required vessel type experience and then you can also specify the number of months the crew member should have worked on that vessel type.


Specify to only list crew members who have experience with particular machinery. Use the Lookup function to select the required machinery experience and then you can also specify the number of months the crew member should have worked with that machinery.


Specify to only list crew members who have a particular operation experience. Use the Lookup function to select the operation experience and then you can also specify the number of operations the crew member should have done or the number of days, months or years the crew member has had the operation experience.

Own Company Seatime

Specify to only list crew members who have a particular amount of experience within the current company

External Company Seatime

Specify to only list crew members who have a particular amount of experience in other external companies

Total Seatime

Specify to only list crew members who have a particular amount of experience, whether it is within the current company or in other external companies

Note: The various available check boxes es enable you to include/omit a criteria for the search without having to remove it from the list of criteria you have selected. This would be handy when running multiple searches one after another.

Note: If 'Match All' is selected when defining your search filters, the System will only display records that match all search criteria entered.

3. Click Search.

4. The System will run a search based on the search criteria you have entered. The results of the search will be displayed in the table on the bottom of the screen. Click a record in the listing to view or work on it. You can also right-click on a record and select the ‘Checklist’ option to view the checklist for the selected crew member.

Note: You can customize the columns to be displayed in the results table by clicking the Settings button (indicated by a wrench icon) on the top right corner of the search results table.



Sending an email to crew member(s)

To send an email to crew member(s) based on your crew search result:

1. From the list of crew that is displayed after conducting a successful search, select the individual/multiple crew members in the Crew Search results table listing

Note: You can select multiple crew members by holding the 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' key and then left-clicking.

2. Right-click and select the 'Send Email' function.

3. The relevant crew's email addresses (as registered in the System) will be automatically displayed in the 'BCC' field on the Crew Search - Send Email pop up window that is displayed.

4. You can proceed to enter the email subject, content and recipient email addresses (in the 'To' field) before sending the email.


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