Wage Market Rate Template Register

This function allows you to set up the Wage Market Rate Template. You can assign a selection of ranks to a template to ease the process of entering wage market rate for each rank on the Wage Market Rate Entry screen in the Personnel module.

Screen Navigation: Home - Administration - Registers - Crewing - Wage Market Rate Template


Creating a Wage Market Rate Template

To create a wage market rate template:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration sub menu. Then, click Crewing, followed by Wage Market Rate Template.

2. The wage market rate templates that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen. To create a new wage market rate template, click New.

3. The Wage Market Rate Template screen will be displayed where you can enter information in the following fields:



Template Code

Enter a code for this template.


Enter a description of this template.


Enter remarks pertaining to this template, if any.

Rank section: Click the '+' icon to add the ranks that are to be linked to this template.

4. Click Save to complete the creation of this new wage market rate template.



Editing a Wage Market Rate Template

To edit an existing wage market rate template:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration sub menu. Then, click Crewing, followed by Wage Market Rate Template.

2. The wage market rate templates that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen. To edit an existing wage market rate template, click on an entry to view its details on the Wage Market Rate Template screen.

3. You may then edit the details of the wage market rate template in the available fields. Please note that the main Template Code field cannot be edited.

4. Click Save to save the changes you have made.



Deleting a Wage Market Rate Template

To delete an existing wage market rate template:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration sub menu. Then, click Crewing, followed by Wage Market Rate Template.

2. The wage market rate templates that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen. To delete an existing wage market rate template, highlight an entry on the screen.

3. Click Delete. Confirm your intention to delete the wage market rate template. The wage market rate template will then no longer be listed on the screen.

Note: Alternatively, you can click on a wage market rate template to view its details on the Wage Market Rate Template screen. Click Delete and confirm your intention to delete the template.