Introducing CRM


CRM is the BASS Customer Relationship Management System, a System that consolidates all the customer related information, including agreements, invoices and reports under one roof, and manage customer interactions and data throughout the many business processes of a customer lifecycle. CRM can be integrated with BASSnet Financials to support the transfer of invoices from CRM and payment information from BASSnet Financials.



CRM consists of the following modules:





Displays in a table the 10 latest customers signed according to agreement dates in the System. From this screen, you have access to the Details screen of the recently signed customers, and you can directly add new agreements, vessels, invoices or contact information.





Handle all information pertaining to your customers including addresses, contacts and vessels. Any agreements, payment plans and invoices tied to the customer will also be displayed in the customer's Details screen for easy viewing and tracking.





Create and manage agreements with your customers in the CRM system. Specify the licenses and services to be provided to the customer, and set up payment plans or subscription modes in the agreement.



Payment Plans


A listing of all the payment plans that were generated from agreements. This allows you to easier track and edit payment plans as necessary.



Invoice Requests


Request for invoices to be created for the services as provided in the agreement. After creating invoice requests, you can view a list of all the items to be invoiced and use them to create invoices.





Create and manage invoices in the CRM system, in accordance with the agreement. When creating the invoice, you can add items from invoice requests, or you can manually select them. Once the invoice is approved, send it to the recipient via email.





Generate reports of the latest service rates and maintenance fees by customising the data displayed in the table. Additional analysis can be performed using the data taken from approved agreements in the System.





Manage access rights for your users and configure general CRM settings from the Administration module.