Service Register

This function allows you to set up the various services that BASS can provide to the customer. These services can be added to agreements with default values set in the register. If you have the appropriate access rights, you will also be able to modify and delete records in this register.

Screen Navigation: Administration - Registers - Service

Creating a New Service

To create a new service:


1. From the CRM main menu, open the Administration tab and select Registers.


2. The Registers screen will be displayed. Click Service and the service codes that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen.


3. To create a new service record, click Add new record.




The Add Service Detail page will be displayed.



The following table provides you with more information on the available fields:  



Service Code Enter a code to represent this service. This code must be between 1-10 characters.

Service Description

Enter a description for this service.
Service Type Select the type of service. For example, travel, database, etc.

This will determine in which section of an agreement this service will be selectable.

Default Rate Type

Select whether the rates are fixed or calculated per day, per hour, per computer, per person, etc.
This will appear by default in the agreement when the service is selected.
Default Rate Amount Enter the rate amount per unit that will appear by default in the agreement when the service is selected.

Default Payment Term

Select the payment term that will appear by default in the agreement when the service is selected.
Default is Waived If this check box is selected, the Waived? check box will automatically be selected when this service is selected in an agreement. This means that the service charge is waived for the customer.

Default is Actual

If this check box is selected, the Actual? check box will automatically be selected when this service is selected in an agreement. This means that the customer will be charged the actual amount as agreed.

Default Service Rate Percent

Enter the percentage of service rate to be displayed by default when this service is selected in an agreement.


Select this check box if this service code is still active.

After you have entered all the necessary information, click Save.


Editing a Service Code

To edit service codes:


1. From the CRM main menu, open the Administration tab and select Registers.


2. The Registers screen will be displayed. Click Service and the service codes that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen.


3. To edit an existing service code, click the link under the Service Description column.



4. You may then edit the details of the
service code in the available fields.

5. Click
Save to save the changes you have made.


Deleting a Service Code

To delete service codes:


1. From the CRM main menu, open the Administration tab and select Registers.


2. The Registers screen will be displayed. Click Service and the service codes that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen.


3. To delete a service code, click the Delete button (X).



4. Click
OK to confirm the deletion of the service code.